The Newsletter of the
Socio-Ecological Union
A Center for Coordination
and Information
Moscow, Russia -- Issue 8(17) - special,
April, 2001
RUSSIAN STATE ECOLOGICAL DOCTRINE - Russian public environemnt
attempts to prevent greenwash at RIO+10 Summit
Dear colleagues!
The text you will see on below is a draft for Russian state
ecological doctrine written by Russian public movement.
We are presenting it to international community for several reasons:
- we want to hear you ideas and recommendations about it, as in
some of your countries you have already experiences with things
proposed in the text
- we want international community to be aware that Russian public
movement is large, diverse and works actively
- we need help of international community to promote public
participation in decision making processes in Russia.
For years after Rio we as public environemntal movement were
trying to persuade our governemnt in necessity of state environmental
policy. However, authorities always found something more important
than the environment and public interests.
While participating in international proceses officials would
always prefer to say that there was no strong and organized public
environemntal movement in Russia, Russian NGO were working on
different issues, including sustainble developemnt on the
level of their cities and regions.
Indeed, from the official point of view there was not much of the
public movement - because there were not much of the pocket groups -
groups controlled and manipulated by the government.
Through the las t years Russian public movement was efficient in
preventing different dangerous projects, including the last one (we
start winning) - shipping nuclear waste of different countries for
storage and reprocessing. Environmental movement was also very active
in human rights protection. This, clearly, was very irritating for the
Government - because couple of "loyal" organization could not be much
of help for anti-environmental image of official Russia.
The upcoming Rio+10 summit in Johannesburg was a kind of an alarm
call for Russian officials - reminding that there was nothing done to
be proud of or to report about. For week-long Rio +5 summit, Russian
premier Chernomyrdine came - his visit was most memorable for his
surprise "Are they going to talk about the environemnt ALL WEEK
LONG?". This time President Putin himself will have to present country
progress and answer difficult questions.
Instead of setting peace and cooperation with the public of their
own country, Russian authorities (or their advisors) decided to go old
bad greenwash way - that is, to do another attempt to create phony
public movement, to declare it one and only sane and cooperative one -
and thus to both ensure good image within international community and
to get "public environmental" approval for any projects (like the
nuclear waste imports, GE development etc).
The President Admisitration gathering which called itself "First
All-Russia Ecoforum" happened on January 31, 2001. 40 people, mostly
academics were selected, public was also symbolized by ill-reputated
Russian Ecological Congress (practically another name for Green Cross
Russia) and KEDR - former political party. Fortunately, due to our
informational efforts it had to admit the existance of "greens", and
could never be proclamed the one and only public movement. However, it
was officially named as the only sane and cooperative - and received a
"state order" for Russian Environmental Doctrine elaboration -
something to be presented at Rio +10.
Thus, the majority of environmental movement for decades working
on sustainability issues was excluded from the process. The "official"
version is supposed to be produced by the end of year 2001, if at all.
The doctrine you see is a vision and work of the leaders of real
environmental movement of Russia. We are going to present it to
Russian Government and we hope that it will be accepted. But to "help"
our Government to make this decision we need you support and
awareness. Otherwise, Russia will happily report on Rio+10, but there
will be no real work, no real progress and no real public involvement
behind that.
Russian Ecological Doctrine
Russian Ecological Doctrine represents official attitude to the
principles, main priorities, ways and means to provide for the
sustainable development of Russian Federation and for the environment
protection in mid term (up to year 2010) prospective. Doctrine
provides basis for the Russian State ecological policy.
1. Constitutional basis and strategic goals of the Russian state
ecological policy.
Constitutional bases for the Russian ecological policy is:
- non exhaustive, rational use and protection of all nature
resources, careful attitude to all nature as a basis for Russian
people life and welfare (art.9, art 58 of the Russian Constitution) ;
- exercise of the citizen rights for the favorable environment,
(art.42), promotion of the activities, aimed on ecological and health
welfare (art.41);
- dissemination of the authentic information on environment
condition, preventing officials from hiding facts and circumstances
threatening life and health of the people (art.29, art.41, art.42) ;
- preventing and suppressing activities of the land and other
nature resources owners activities that a harmful for environment and
interfering with the peoples rights for healthy, favorable environment
(art.36, art.42) ;
- state guarantees for áompensation of the damage done to
peoples' health and property by ecological regulation violators
(art.42, art.53) ;
- differentiation of the authority in the field of ecological
development, nature use, environment protection and ecological safety,
protection of the genuine habitats and traditional lifestyle of the
indigenous communities, legislation on environment protection between
Russian Federation and Russian Federation subjects (art.71, art.72) .
Strategic goals of the state ecological policy are the following:
exercise of the present and future people generations for the
favorable and healthy environment,
- providing for non-exhaustive, rational use and protection of
all nature resources
- providing for sustainable development and ecological safety of
the Russian Federation.
2. Main principles of the Russian ecological policy
Main principles of the Russian Federation ecological policy are:
- setting long term priorities for planning,
- state regulation of the environment protection and use,
- health protection of the present and future generation of
people from harmful consequences of the antropogenic effects on
- environmental priorities while making all political and
economical decisions,
- restoration of environmental functions of the territories
disturbed by human activities,
- state ecological control and monitoring, environmental
assessment and liscencing, needed for timely and reasonable decision
- participation in the international negotiation processes to
prevent unfavorable influences on Russian population and environment
from the outside,
- public participation in development and enforcement of the
state ecological policy, including the public environmental control,
3. State ecological policy main directions
The main directions for the state ecological policy are:
3.1. Providing for ecologically safe energy production
State ecological policy in the field of energy includes:
- priority for the state support and subsidies of the energy
saving technologies;
- reduction of the energy consumption level by the producing
industry to the level of the EU countries
- energy loss reduction during production and transport
- priority of the state support and subsidies for the energy
production using renewable sources
- development of the new ecologically sound ways to produce
- raising the safety level of the NPPs (nuclear power plants)
already in use; refuse the construction of the new NPPs using current
technologies; closing of the existing NPPs.
3.2. Providing for the ecological safety of the industry
Among main state policy directions in this field:
- support of the development and introduction of the energy and
resource-saving technologies
- priority for the industry branches with high raw material
processing level and involving intellectual work;
- support for the low level waste producing technologies, forming
industrial groups providing for closed cycle production;
- development of the industry for previously produced waste
- priority for the long term service and in-service modified
goods, suitable for reprocessing;
- refuse to place "dirty technologies" threatening country health
and environment within the country;
- introduction of the producers responsibility for the product
during all its cycle of life;
- application of the principle of the waste storage and
processing in the place of origin relating to the dangerous wastes and
products (like nuclear or chemical industry waste) ;
- introduction of the ecological certification system of the
producers, their produce and waste.
3.3. Organization of the nature resources sustainable use:
- to provide for the equality of the nature resource use for the
present and future generations
- state support for the waste reprocessing and useful compound
use of the wastes produced in previous years;
- providing for reproduction of the renewable resources;
- support for environment friendly (organic) forms of
- support of the natural soil richness, development of the field
and soil- protective forestry;
- preservation and development of the new, (acquired through
natural selection process, free of genetic engineering) breeds of
plants and animals;
- state support for the transition from monocultures to
- support for the traditional environmentally sound nature use
- transition to environmentally sound management in game, fish
and forestry (enforcing the principle - grow first, then harvest) ,
development of the aquaculture
- creation and reconstruction of the conditions for trade animal
and fish species reproduction, especially those shrinking in numbers
because of over use or environment changes.
3.4. Providing for ecologically safe transport development
The main directions in this field are:
- development of in-city public transportation as basic, having
advantage before private, means of transportation;
- support for production of the resource saving,
environment-friendly cars;
- providing for energy saving, environmentally clean air
- providing for environmental safety of the pipelines
- providing for environmental safety and gradual stop of the use
of the ship nuclear reactors.
3.5. Territorial environmental policy
The main directions of the regional environmental policy are:
- concentration of the present and emerging industries at the
territories already transformed by the industrial activities and
within the territories with good infrastructure;
- the environmental limits of territory are to be observed while
new industrial or other objects are constructed;
- priority should be given to the development, serving needs of
the local population;
- reservation and conservation of the territories little
disturbed or undisturbed by the development;
- prevention of the fragmentation of the natural or close to
natural territories while infrastructure development (railroads,
highways, pipelines etc) .
3.6. Protection of the human health related to environmental
The main activities in population health protection are:
- providing for the safety of food, water and air;
- providing for the safety of goods, household appliances and
housing itself;
- preventing and suppressing activities leading to dangerous
environmental pollution;
- defining and rehabilitating environmentally damaged territories
and territories of ecological disasters;
- providing for rehabilitation of the persons suffered as the
result of environmental violation, including breakdowns and disasters,
or as the result of work in dangerous industry.
3.7. Civic society as ecological policy instrument
Main directions for civic society development are:
- support for public participation in discussion and making of
decisions that affect theor rights and freedoms, their interests,
health, life and environment
- providing for the priority of public environmental interests
before interest of business or authorities;
- establishing favorable conditions for the charity activities
- establishing favorable conditions for tradiotional indigenous
natural nature use;
- providing for alternative service (instead of army) at the
environment-related entities for the ecological policy implementation
3.8. Natural and cultural heritage conservation
The main directions for natural and cultural heritage
conservation are:
- providing for preservation of all natural variety of the
- preservation and development of specially protected territory
- preservation and broadening of the history and culture reserves
system, historical zones within cities and towns, historical and
cultural monuments of the peoples living in Russia
- development and realization of the activity system aimed on
conservation of rear and endangered species, conservation of the
diversity of landscapes and ecosystems;
- preventing from penetrating into country's ecosystem organisms
that may damage natural and agricultural systems, genetically modified
organisms to be named among the most dangerous ones;
- development and implementation of the systemic measures on
conservation and creating conditions for survival of wild animals and
plants within developed and urban areas.
3.9. Ecological safety of military armed forces and space
To provide for the ecological safety of military armed forces and
space activities the following is to be done:
- state and public control over the ecological safety of military
forces and space activities should be ensured;
- within the entities responsible for safety establishing of
special environment units aimed on prevention of activities
endangering environment and health;
- providing for population interest and safety priority while
decision making about armaments' and other dangerous objects
demolishment sites; à §®àă¦¥¨¥, ®¤ ª® - disarmament ...
- providing for the rehabilitation and restoration of the
territories polluted as the result of nuclear testing, military
activities, spaces activities etc.
3.10. Participation in transnational problem solutions
In this area the following is necessary:
- providing for Russia's active participation in fulfilling
international agreements on environment protection;
- providing for ecological safety, environment and resources
protection while common waters use that are under several countries
- active participation in processes and negotiations, aimed on
reduction of spending on armaments, on non-proliferation, refuse from
development and use of arms dangerous for environment;
- understanding of Russia's global environmental functions while
participating in international economical relations;
- involvement of international forces and means in demolishing or
reconstruction of radioactive and other pollution sources of seas,
oceans, air, trnasboundary land;
- involvement of international community for conservation and
restoration of Russian natural un- or little disturbed territories
having global significance;
- ensuring Russia's interests and ecological safety in connection
to participation in international agreements and organizations;
- active participation in international negotiations and
processes, aimed on prevention of transaboundary movement of products
and organisms that may harm population and environment.
4. State ecological policy implementation
4.1. State management system development for ecological policy
For efficiency of the control over ecological safety of all
activities, preservation and rational use of nature resources for the
welfare of present and future generations, prevention and elimination
of the threats for environment and health it is necessary:
- provide for independence of the state environmental assessment
and control of any entities responsible for nature use;
- provide for clear differentiation of the authority and
responsibility between federal and regional authorities, local
governments in control over nature resources use, condition and
quality of environment;
- introduction of licencing system, especially for potentially
harmful activities;
- development and implementation of the federal, regional, local
and other specific programs and action plans on environment
4.2. Economical mechanisms for ecological policy implementation
- provide for priority taxation of the amount of resources used
instead of taxing labor;
- develop and apply taxation and tariff policies, stimulation
export transition from raw material to processed goods;
- provide targeted support for clean-up from money gained from
state property privatization;
- develop and apply taxation system, aimed on reduction of
pollution coming from city transport;
- application of "polluter pays" principle - amount of payments
for discharges should directly depend of the amount discharged and of
substance danger;
- create legislative basis for real compensation for environment
damage and to persons suffered as the result of pollution or
ecological disasters;
- ensure public control over state ecological funds money use;
- develop different ecological ensurance forms;
- develop legislative and economical mechanisms for used product
- development of eco-audit of enterprises.
4.3. Financial mechanisms for ecological policy implementation
To ensure sustainable funding for activities aimed on environment
protection and restoration, transition of industry and agriculture to
environment-friendly model the following should be done:
- to implement the scheme of ecological debt and similar
principles during the negotiations on debts;
- develop the system of redistribution of state budget to
conserve undisturbed ecosystems and to support indigenous (environment
-friendly) nature use;
- create legislative basis to promote charity activities and for
targeting part of the taxes paid by persons for specific charity
activities, including environment and nature protection.
4.4. Ensuring protection of constitutional rights
To protect civic constitutional rights and to provide for
environmental responsibilities fulfillment it is necessary to:
- ensure legislative and organizational basis for direct public
participation in environmental and other related to their health and
life decision making
- pause or terminate projects that did not receive positive
conclusion of state environmental assessment
- activate legislative mechanisms of solving conflicts in court
between citizens, authorities, business, including those on
environmental issues
- establish favorable conditions for public ecological control
development, including public inspections, public environmental
assessment etc.
4.5. Information on ecological policy
To provide Russian citizens with the level of information and
education that allows active participation in sustainable development
process and provides for environmental safety, besides many other
activities, we consider necessary the following:
- free access to environemntal information or other that relates
to environment and health safety;
- efficient monitoring and statistics system on environment
condition and population health;
- work to indicate all territories that were polluted by
dangerous substances in previous years, especially as the result of
military activities.
4.6. Ecological culture
Main activities in this direction are:
- increase of the state support for the studies on environment
protection and environmental safety;
- provide for non-stop environmental education;
- "ecologisation" of higher education with mandatory
environmental part of all courses;
- activities on environemntal awareness raising among officials
and Chief Execitive Officers
For Russian State Ecological Doctrine implementation Government
develops long term, midterm and logterm action plans on environment
protection and non-exhaustive rational resource use, as well as
national plans of environmental health protection, actively involving
public in plan development and decision-making process.
The following organizations are the authors of the text:
International Socio - ecological Union,
Center for Ecological Policy of Russia,
WWF Russian Program Office,
Greenpeace Russia,
Union for Chemical Safety,
Biodiversity Conservation Center,
Ecological Center Dront.
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