Socio-ecological Union
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The Second World War on the Danube proceeds, and mines can work against the German flotillas, delivered both Soviet and German armies in the Danube and Black Sea. As it turned out, this scandalous project of a channel "the Danube - the Black Sea" means danger not only for wild nature, but also for the executors of the project. As soon as a technique of a German firm "Josef Mobious" comes across a mine the Danube again will suffer". The representative of UstDanubeWaterWay told that before constructing this channel on the Prorva region it was carefully investigated to find mines. They underlined that it is the task of the client to make proper underwater investigations and give a document that the mines are not discovered.

But in case of the Project of the channel on the Bystroje construction the investigation has not been made the Delta-Lotsman representatives preferred to gather information from the local residents. Last events in Ukraine can show that such approach seems not only brainless, but also criminally negligent. By the Second World Ware times Soviet Army mined the rivers mouths. It is natural, that the documentary data on it was not kept. But there are powerful facts and materials. For example, in 1986 the mine was carried by the waves to the port Izmail. This mine was made in the First World Ware times, but it mechanism stay dangerous and the port crane has blown up. The deepening a bottom of the channel techniques has dug a mine 10 years ago. It happened than they deepening a bottom of channel Vilkovo. All workers was evacuated. In 2002 one of mines was carried by the waves to the mouth Belgorod, which is dispose directly in the centre of the city. Mine has been stopped just near a mooring of the tourists complex "Vilkovo". The arrived frontier guards have told that if such mine will blow up, the zone of its action can be more than 500 meters. The special division from Ochakov city, which should neutralize the mine, has named such big sum of payment for arrival, that in result chairman of Societies of Afghanistan Ware Veterans of Vilkovo city Oleg Poljakov has towed it off by the boat.

In the Danube mouth mines is not a hypothetical danger, but it is a severe reality.

As written in the "Cards of a mine danger in a northwest part of Black Sea" published in Sevastopol, by the Second World War 988 anchor mines and 154 ground mines have been exposed in a northwest part of Black sea. 514 of them have been liquidated already, but 628 mines still lays on a ground. In the First World War 2908 mines have been exposed in this area (by Russia - 2880, by Germany - 28). Data on quantity of the destroyed First World War mines is not present, but experts assume, that about half of those mines continue to remain on a ground in potentially dangerous condition. So, about 1450 mines is stile waiting fore the victims.

The total number of the mines in the northwest part of the Black Sea now is near 2100, all of them are potentially dangerous. Mines can blow up through tens years, it can detonated after the light shock or vibration. The memorable explosion of the ship "Novorossisk" had place in the Sevastopol in 1955. The reason of this explosion was the mine which has stayed since times of the First World War. The power batteries of the galvanic mines can start to work only after removal (or impact) of the lead lid which reliably covers an ampoule with an acid. Therefore such mines can keep an explosion hazard since vaguely long time.

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