Socio-ecological Union
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The Transport Ministry Of Ukraine Continues To Attack Danube Reserve

The decision on the variants of construction of navigation canal Danube - Black Sea can be made today, April 11. The question is scheduled to be considered of the session of the Parliament Committee for national security and defence in Odessa region (Ukraine). Struggle for the Danube Delta reserve goes on.

As it became known, there is the Project of decision, in which reduction of the reserved zone is provided, and according to that the Government must develop the new project of the Decree of the President of Ukraine for one month.

It is evident that the transport Ministry of Ukraine continues the intensive activity aimed to destroy Danube reserve and to usurp budget money.

For example in one of the orders of the minister of transport is spoken that up to the end of this year the Transport Ministry will promote "correction" of the border of Danube Biosphere reserve, that it is necessary to approve the feasibility report on construction of the canal through Bystroye estuary.

Before that the Transport ministry tried to disconsider the alternative variant of the canal "Solomonov branch - Zhebrianskaya bay" that doesn't require change of the reserve border and endless budget spending.

People and organizations - the members of international scientific and environment conservation community - continue to send faxes and e-mails to the Administration of the President and Government of Ukraine. The reaction of the officials is irritation: they see that they cannot destroy the reserve on the sly and quickly.

In May 2003 Ukraine receives the International Eco Forum. Now because of constant threat to existence of the Danube reserve the world community has many sensitive questions to ask the Ukraine Government. In case of making the decision that affects the world valuable reserve provokes huge international scandal.

For further information:
The website of the Campaign for protection of Danube Biosphere Reserve:

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