Socio-ecological Union
Projects and campaigns

RESOLUTION of the "S.O.S. Danube Delta" International Symposium

November 7, 2004
The Hague, Netherlands

TAKING INTO ACCOUNT the increased international concern regarding Ukraine's decision to build a navigational canal in the Danube Delta at Bystroe, without assessing its trans-boundary effects,

TAKING into consideration the scientific facts and conclusions exposed by several worldwide environmental groups, and forums,

HAVING large public support from individuals and organizations all around the world,

RECOGNIZING international community's efforts, including Romania's, to find an appropriate diplomatic solution according to EU and International Law,

TAKING INTO CONSIDERATION Ukraine's unilateral approach, and its reluctance to co-operate with affected neighbors, the EU, international community, and environmental groups regarding Bystroe canal,

RECOGNIZING the need for better EU environment protection legislation, which should place firm conditions on countries neighboring the EU, including monitoring and coercive mechanisms,

RECOGNIZING Ukraine's desire to build better relationship with the EU,

We, the participants of the "S.O.S. Danube Delta" International Symposium, have concluded the following:

We strongly support ongoing diplomatic efforts by Romania, the EU and the United States to find a solution to the dispute with Ukraine regarding Bystroe canal within the scope and reach of International and European Law.

Ukraine has shown disregard for International and European Law and good neighborhood international practices, by ignoring calls to halt the construction of Bystroe canal until sound environmental assessment expertise are performed according to the many Convention it is party to. We call on the Ukraine's Council of Ministers to respect its internationally assumed obligations, and show respect to the international community. Furthermore, we ask Ukrainian Government to stop the development and construction of the canal via Bystroe canal until a sound environmental assessment is performed.

We encourage Ukraine's Government to seek alternative approaches in accordance with good neighborhood policies promoted by the EU.

As Romania's accession to the EU has been set to 2007, Romania will become part of the EU's Eastern border. In order to better manage potential problems with its neighbors, the EU needs to create a more efficient legislative framework that would benefit both its members and neighbors. We call on the EU Parliament to discuss these issues, and set up such a framework in its next sessions.

RWW Group

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