Socio-ecological Union

1. Constitutional basis and strategic goals of the Russian state ecological policy

Constitutional bases for the Russian ecological policy is:

  • non exhaustive, rational use and protection of all nature resources, careful attitude to all nature as a basis for Russian people life and welfare (art.9, art 58 of the Russian Constitution) ;
  • exercise of the citizen rights for the favorable environment, (art.42), promotion of the activities, aimed on ecological and health welfare (art.41);
  • dissemination of the authentic information on environment condition, preventing officials from hiding facts and circumstances threatening life and health of the people (art.29, art.41, art.42) ;
  • preventing and suppressing activities of the land and other nature resources owners activities that a harmful for environment and interfering with the peoples rights for healthy, favorable environment (art.36, art.42) ;
  • state guarantees for сompensation of the damage done to peoples' health and property by ecological regulation violators (art.42, art.53) ;
  • differentiation of the authority in the field of ecological development, nature use, environment protection and ecological safety, protection of the genuine habitats and traditional lifestyle of the indigenous communities, legislation on environment protection between Russian Federation and Russian Federation subjects (art.71, art.72).

Strategic goals of the state ecological policy are the following:

  • exercise of the present and future people generations for the favorable and healthy environment,
  • providing for non-exhaustive, rational use and protection of all nature resources
  • providing for sustainable development and ecological safety of the Russian Federation.

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